A well-oiled video conferencing machine

London, UK


Deliver a reliable, cost-effective videoconferencing solution to improve communication between the Norway and UK offices and offshore rigs.


Kinly designed and implemented custom videoconferencing rooms, integrated with Kinly Cloud and Smart Monitoring for seamless communication and support.


Wellesley reduced travel costs, improved operational efficiency and increased collaboration through daily video meetings, supporting more sustainable business practices.

The background

Wellesley Petroleum is an independent company, founded in 2015. It performs oil and gas exploration along the Norwegian Continental Shelf. A routine operation normally involves around 150 people, where the majority – approximately two thirds – operate the rig. The rest work from shore.

Wellesley Petroleum’s London office focuses on finance and business development, while its Stavanger location in Norway deals with the operative duties and technical solutions. André Steenmark-Rødder, is the company’s IT coordinator. Early on – before the firm was even a year old – he saw the need for video and spoke with an acquaintance at Kinly. Together, we collaborated closely to identify Wellesley Petroleum’s needs, constraints and ambitions for its new video conferencing solutions.

“Without these meeting rooms, we would have to travel constantly. Hopping on a plane, only to participate in an hour-long meeting is far from pleasurable, let alone productive; it is expensive, time-consuming, not to mention bad for the environment.”
André Steenmark-Rødder
IT Coordinator, Wellesley Petroleum

The solution

To ensure effective business operations, the Norwegian and UK offices keep in close contact. Video conferences between the two offices have now become a daily occurrence and, on top of that, real-time communication has become vital for offshore operations.

With all the people involved on rigs, land and at various subcontractors, the operations depend on frequent meetings. For example, seismic data and logs from drilling holes must be displayed and discussed. We use the “share’ option a lot,” Steenmark-Rødder says.

In Stavanger, Kinly customised and produced three new video conferencing rooms and London is now following suit with two rooms of its own and a third one underway. Steenmark-Rødder says that as a result, the video conferencing rooms are almost always fully booked.

The equipment must be reliable. It needs to work. Steenmark-Rødder is the only employee within Wellesley Petroleum, with any IT-experience on video solutions – but he has several other duties keeping him occupied, which is why he opted for the Smart Monitoring service from Kinly.

By letting Kinly take the wheel, he concentrates on performing his duties in full, instead of acting as IT support. He can let go, knowing the equipment is continuously operated, professionally supported and expertly maintained through Kinly’s operations centre.

“This way, Kinly can handle error messages, answer user questions, and ensure that meeting rooms are always running smoothly,” says the IT coordinator.

At Wellesley, and among its partners, multiple different technologies and devices come into play. To secure smooth communication and a continuous workflow, Wellesley has adopted Kinly Cloud. It lets them connect physical meeting rooms to a virtual space where they can easily meet and work together through video. The Meeting Access service allows multiple video systems to participate in the same meeting – such as Skype for Business and Google Hangouts Meet. In addition, the One-Button-to-Push (OBTP) solution makes it easy to connect than ever before.

The result

With access to cutting-edge video conferencing solutions and services, Wellesley Petroleum now spends far less time and money travelling between their offices in Stavanger (Norway), and London, resulting in improved efficiencies and more sustainable business operations. Daily video-meetings between oil rigs and land-based offices are now seen as essential to maintaining efficiency.

Why Kinly?

Bringing people and technology together for better productivity wherever the work happens – because great things happen when people work together.


Dedicated expertise in planning, supplying, integrating and managing AV systems integration and remote collaboration services.


Globally recognised businesses relying on us for secure and flexible meeting and collaboration services.


A leading partner with the world’s top vendors to deliver the best choice of solutions for public and private sector businesses.


An end-to-end provider of workspace transformation services with worldwide presence.


Years Experience




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Offices in 11 Countries

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